jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

summer Holidays :)

Summer Holidays!!

me and my family used to go the beach, especially to Valparaiso and Viña del Mar. We spent 2 weeks there, enjoying the sea, the sun and the games from the city. I especially liked to play on the sand and build all kinds all castles and buildings. Viña del Mar is a very nice place. The sea is quiet so you can swim or play with the water (but personally I like the beaches with big waves), but it is a bit cold as all the ocean in Chile.
Also me and my family used to go the country of my grandparents, enjoying the nature and a river near that place. The best Maybe it was the breakfast which consisted of freshly laid eggs and fresh milk from the cow

Now I feel really tired. This semester has been very hard for everybody. In February, for my summer holidays I really want to rest and have a good time.
This summer I have many plans but unfortunately  I don’t think  I can meet them all as this will make a very short holidays, but I am content to share with my friends and get plenty of rest.My idea is to recuperate energies and return to University happy and renewed.

If I could choose my dream holidays maybe I
would like to spend them in a tropical island with all my friends. I'd like to play a match of football or voleyball in really Any sport its can play in the sand and after I'd like to swim in the warm waters and drink a lot of nice cocktails.
Or my second choice can be to go to the beach and spend a few weeks surrounded by nature, and do absolutely nothing jajaja :)

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